Saturday, January 28, 2012


My name is Ariel Davis and this is my blog. I always wanted to start one but never had the time or resources to do it. This year it was required for a class so that kind of gave me the push I needed. This will probably just be a place for me to post my thoughts on different subjects or things that are going on in my life. I am Southern girl, so right of the back you know I'm most likely a Christian. On that assumption, you would be correct. I am a Christian but I also believe in freedom of choice/thought and that everyone is different. That said I am very pro-gay rights or just anything that is pro equality. I don't understand how someone can say that loving another human being wrong. I do not see how it is any of your business (government) who I decided to marry and spend the rest of my life with. Now after all that you probably think that I'm a lesbian or something like that (they are other things). Well, no I am not. I am 21 year old Afircan American female from the south and all of those things, those labels (future blog), have nothing to do with my views and opinions on life. I hate BET. I don't understand how a television channel that is suppose to support black people and help black people do that when a majority of the programing is nothing but sex and violence. I don't understand how you can say you are fighting for equality but in the process, all you are doing is seperating yourself from everyone else. This blog will probably more geared towards my beliefs with the occassional post on my day-to-day life. Not everyone may agree with I have to say, and I am okay with that. Let's agree to disagree, because we all have our own opinions and no one can be mad at you for that.
Most people who know me will probably discover something that they didnt know about me and those that claim to really know me still may find out something that they didn't. Those people that do know me also know that I love reading. Those that really know me, know that most of the stories I read m/m stories or gay romance novels. I occassioanlly read your heterosexual "typical" romance novel but the my last 150 purchases have been man on man. Stormy Glenn, Joyee Flynn, Gabrielle Evans, Jack Greene, Stephani Hecht, and Lynn Hagen: you guys owe me cause I will start reading one book then it will turn out be a series of at least 5 or more books and I have to buy every one. I probably have every book Stormy Gleen has ever published. And I actually want more Jack Greene books, because they were really good but most of them were short stories. :(
I promised myself that I would not buy anymore books untill I finished the ones that I have but I find that I have been cheating. Fanfiction and Fictionpress are wonderful sites for those who love to read or write. I haven't had enough courage to post any of my own stories yet, but I have read over a 100 stories on each site. I will occasional post a link or give a shout out to a story that I have read and liked.
Well I believe that is enough for my first post. My name is Ariel and this is my blog. Welcome!

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